The Truck Parking POI dynamic layer contains attributes which are updated every one to five minutes.
They are located in this category because the information contained in the data elements needs to be updated frequently in order to provide accurate data to the user.
Level for tile requests: 9
Example tile requests: json txt
SOURCE_IDUnique fixed-length identifier including state, route number, route type, reference post, side of road and unique location number or name abbreviation.
LATLatitude coordinates [10^-5 degree WGS84] for the POI coordinate of the location.
LONLongitude coordinates [10^-5 degree WGS84] for the POI coordinate of the location.
LINK_IDPermanent link ID. Positive 64 bit Integer that globally identifies the road, carto or building footprint link, also across map releases.
Link IDs are never reused.
LAST_UPDATED_TIMESTAMPProvides the date and time that the site record was last updated.
TRUCK_PARKING_CAPACITYTotal number of parking spots within the site.
TRUCK_PARKING_AVAILABLE_NUMNumber of available spots shared through the data feed. The number is capped at the total number of parking spots at the site and “Low” is reported if the low threshold is reached.
TRUCK_PARKING_AVAILABLE_TRENDThe trend of the parking availability.There are three possible values for trend, as follows:
1. FILLING-Traffic into the stop is increasing.The number of available parking spaces is decreasing.
2. STEADY-There is little change in the number of available parking spaces.
3. CLEARING-Traffic is leaving the stop.The number of available parking spaces is increasing.
OPENWill report open unless the parking site is closed to parking for maintenance or another situation. Possible values: true / false / null.