Toll information on road links.
Level for tile requests: 10
Example tile requests: json txt
CONDITION_IDPermanent Condition ID. Positive 64 bit Integer that globally identifies the condition, also across map releases. Condition IDs are never reused. Condition IDs are used for different kind map objects which apply to a directed sequence of links (1 link up to many links).Examples for objects using Condition IDs are Turn Restrictions, Toll Booths, Traffic Signs, Lane Connectivity Paths across links.
CONDITION_TYPEType of the condition entity. This Layer contains condition type 12 (USAGE FEE REQUIRED).
LINK_IDSPermanent link ID that is part of the usage fee required condition. A negative sign means that this link is part of this condition towards reference node. A 'B' prefix tells that it applies for both link directions.Each link ID is a positive 64 bit Integer that globally identifies the road link, also across map releases.
VEHICLE_TYPESAccess Characteristics identify the vehicle types that are allowed on a link, allowed on a lane or to which a condition applies.
16 bit bitmask of affected vehicle types or functions. Sum of: Automobiles (1), buses (2), taxis (4), car pools (8), pedestrians (16), trucks (32), deliveries (64), emergency vehicles (128), through traffic (256), motorcycles (512) and road trains (1024).
TOLL_SYSTEM_TYPEIdentifies toll system types that do not have toll structure or have automatic controls. Unique ID for each toll system that has a common Toll Operator and Toll Collection Scheme.
The toll system name can be looked up in the {TC_TOLLSYS_NAMES} static content table.
4 : PARK
DATE_TIMESComma seperated list of Date/Time modifiers to indicate specific time periods when the condition applies.
One entry contains following colon seperated values:
DATETIME_TYPE: High level indication of the period for which the date time restriction is valid. The value of this type effects the interpretation of START_DATE/END_DATE
C - Day of Month, where the START_DATE/END_DATE have the format DDDD0000 and DDDD is in the range of 0001 - 0031.
Example: 00010000 - f.e. 1 January, 1 February,..., 1 December
Another example would be 'C:N:N:00010000:00050000:1230:1330': for each first to fifth day in all month from 12:30 to 13:30h.
D - Day of Week of Month, where the START/END_DATE have the format DDDDWWWW and DDDD is in the range of 0001 - 0007 and WWWW is in the range of 0001 - 0005.
Example: 00010002 - 2nd Sunday of each month, 00020001 - 1st Monday of each month, 00070002 - 2nd Saturday of each month, 00060005 - 5th Friday of each month
Another example would be 'D:N:N:00070001:00070001:1000:1600': each first Saturday in all month from 10:00 to 16:00h
E - Day of Week of Year, where the START/END_DATE have the format DDDDWWWW and DDDD is in the range of 0001 - 0007 and WWWW is in the range of 0001 - 0052.
Example: 00030020 - Tuesday of week 20, 00050052 - Thursday of week 52
Another example would be 'E:N:N:00010015:00010015:800:1800': Sunday in week 15 between 08:00 and 18:00h
F - Week of Month, where the START_DATE/END_DATE have the format DDDD0000 and DDDD is in the range of 0001 - 0005.
Example: 00020000 - 2nd week of each month
Another example would be 'F:N:N:00030000:00040000:800:1730': from the 3rd to the 4st week from 08:00 to 17:30h
H - Month of Year, Example: 00010000 - January, 00070000 - July
I - Day of Month of Year, Example: 00150001 - 15 January of each year, 00300004 - 30 April of each year
Another example would be 'I:N:N:00010010:00110010:1730:2400': from October 1st to October 11 each day from 17:30 to 24:00h
1 - Day of week starting with Sunday, Example: X    XX - Sunday and Friday and Saturday, XXXXXXX - all weekdays
Another example would be '1:N:N:XXXXXXX ::700:1900': each day in a week from 07:00 to 19:00h
It can also restrict the applicable months: 1:N:N:XXXXXXX :0311:700:1900 from March to October
2 - External date, Example: Easter which would be '2:N:N:EASTER:01512131:800:1800' - as per specification there is no end data, so ignore values in END_DATE
A - Date Ranges, Example: 20131119 - 19th of november year 2013
For Date Time Type = A-I, the Start Date represents the start of the range and the End Date represents the end of the range.
For Date Time Type = 1, Start Date identifies the day(s) of the week. End Date is not published for Date Time Type = 1.
For Date Time Type = 2, Start Date identifies the name of the external date. The only currently existing situation is "Easter". End Date is not published for Date Time Type = 2.
FROM_END: This attribute allows time to be specified 'from the end' of a standard time period such as month and year
EXCLUDE_DATE: Flag that indicates if the specified data (in Date Time Type) represents an excluded date. Example, all year except 30 April is modelled Exclude Date = Y, with Start Date = 30 April.
START_DATE: Identifies the start dates of the Date/Time for Date Time Type = A-I. Identifies the days of the week for Date Time Type = 1 and the external date for Date Time Type = 2.
END_DATE: Identifies the end date of the Date/Time for Date Time Types = A-I.
START_TIME: Identifies the start time for the time period in which the Date Time restriction is in effect. Time in format HHMM, where a 24 hour clock is used. Range 0000...2400. Example: 1130 means 11:30 and 2115 means 21:15
END_TIME: Identifies the end time for the time period in which the Date Time restriction is in effect. Time in format HHMM, where a 24 hour clock is used. Range 0000...2400. Example: 1130 means 11:30 and 2115 means 21:15