Ungeneralized road, ferry and rail ferry geometry (polylines).
If a road link crosses a tile boundary, it will be written into each of the tiles, each including the full link geometry. This simplifies use cases other than pure display of all geometry within a rectangle.Note that this is different from the other geometry layers (polygony, carto polylines), that store only a piece of the geometry in each tile.
Coordinate values with a leading zero indicate that the line to the next coordinate is artificially introduced by tiling.
Level for tile requests: 12
Example tile requests: json txt
LINK_IDPermanent link ID. Positive 64 bit Integer that globally identifies the road, carto or building footprint link, also across map releases. Link IDs are never reused.
LONG_HAULThis link or polygon or POI is of major importance. It should be displayed at high zoom lavels, and it should be included for routing in/through regions where no detailed routing is supported.
NAMEA name of this road line. Roads can have multiple names, in the same or multiple languages. This field contains any of those.
NAMESDeprecated and will be removed soon. Don't use anymore. Adapt existing code that is still using it and use ROAD_NAME layer.
TUNNELIs this navigable link or railroad a tunnel?
BRIDGEIs this navigable link or railroad a bridge?
LATLatitude coordinates [10^-5 degree WGS84] along the polyline. Comma separated. Each value is relative to the previous.
LONLongitude coordinates [10^-5 degree WGS84] along the polyline. Comma separated. Each value is relative to the previous.
ZLEVEL(-4 ... 11) indicates the height of the point relative to another point on a grade separated crossing with any other line. Comma separated. If z-level is null then the value '0' is left out.
ELEVATIONCurently available only in region Japan. Point's elevation in meter above the geoid (WGS84 reference ellipsoid + undulation applied). Comma separated, each value is relative to the previous. If elevation is null then the value '0' is omitted. Zero value can mean 0 meters above ellipsoid or unknown.