This layer contains the administrative hierarchy permanent IDs for road links.
Level for tile requests: 9
Example tile requests: json txt
LINK_IDPermanent link ID. Positive 64 bit Integer that globally identifies the road, carto or building footprint link, also across map releases. Link IDs are never reused.
ISO_COUNTRY_CODEContains the comma seperated left and right ISO country code of the link. If they both are the same then only the left ISO country code is stored.
ADMIN_PLACE_IDSContains the left and right administrative place ids in following order: CountryLeft;CountryRight,Order1Left;Order1Right,Order2Left;Order2Right,Order8Left;Order8Right,BuiltupLeft;BuiltupRright.
A Null value means, there is no administrative place id. If the right id equals the left, only the left one is stored, otherwise they are separated with a semicolon. All values are stored as offset to the Order8Left id.
POSTAL_CODESContains the left and right postal codes in following order: LeftPostalCode;RightPostalCode.
A Null value means, there is no postal code. If the right postal code equals the left one, only the left one is stored, otherwise they are separated with a semicolon.
ZONE_IDSComma separated list of zone ids associated to the link, null if no zone associations. Currently environmental, vignette and congestion zones are listed. Info on the environmental zone restrictions can be looked up from static layers like ENV_ZONE_RESTR
ZONE_TYPESComma separated list of zone types associated to the link, null if no zone type associations. It will contain the initial characters of each of the corresponding zone id from the ZONE_IDS attribute.
For example., if ZONE_IDS=11,5200 where 11 represents the environmental zone id and 5200 represents the vignette zone then ZONE_TYPES will have a value of e,v
Supported values are v,e and c where v=vignette, e=environmental and c=congestion zone.