Layer LINK_FC4

Layer with road link network information that are useful for routing applications.
Level for tile requests: 12
Example tile requests: json txt
LINK_IDPermanent link ID. Positive 64 bit Integer that globally identifies the road, carto or building footprint link, also across map releases. Link IDs are never reused.
REF_NODE_IDID for the reference node of the link. The reference node is the node with the lower left latitude (and z level).
NONREF_NODE_IDID for the non reference node of the link. The non reference node is the node with the upper right latitude.
LATLatitude coordinates [10^-5 degree WGS84] of the reference node and the non reference node. Comma separated. Each value is relative to the previous.
LONLongitude coordinates [10^-5 degree WGS84] of the reference node and the non reference node. Comma separated. Each value is relative to the previous.
ZLEVEL(-4 ... 11) indicates the height of the point relative to another point on a grade separated crossing with any other line. Comma separated. If z-level is null then the value '0' is left out.
ENTER_ANGLEHeading when entering the link at the reference node, degree clockwise from North.This value is not map content, but computed from the link geometry (the heading of the straight line between the node and the subsequent shape point).
LEAVE_ANGLEHeading when leaving the link at the non-reference node, degree clockwise from North.This value is not map content, but computed from the link geometry (the heading of the straight line between the node and the subsequent shape point).
LINK_LENGTHThe link length in meter. This attribute publishes the whole link length, no matter whether the link spans across several tiles. The link length is computed by straight lines between subsequent shape points, no splines or other smoothing functions or geodesic computations are used.
REF_NODE_NEIGHBOR_LINKSComma seperated list of LINK_IDs that are connected to this link via the reference node. If a LINK_ID is negative ('-') then this link is connected via it's non reference node.
NONREF_NODE_NEIGHBOR_LINKSComma seperated list of LINK_IDs that are connected to this link via the non reference node. If a LINK_ID is negative ('-') then this link is connected via it's non reference node.