Cartographic area polygons, except for administrative areas.
Polygons are cut at tile boundaries, so that a polygon is decomposed into smaller pieces.
Coordinate values with a leading zero indicate that the line to the next coordinate is artificially introduced by tiling or removal of inner rings.
Level for tile requests: 12
Example tile requests: json txt
CARTO_IDPermanent carto ID.
FACE_IDPermanent face ID. A carto can consist of multiple faces. Each polygon is a "face". Hence, one CARTO_ID can comprise multiple faces.
FEATURE_TYPEFeature type that describes the carto type:
1700215 : Parking Lot
1700216 : Parking Garage
2000123 : Golf Course
2000124 : Shopping Centre
2000200 : Industrial Complex
2000403 : University/College
2000408 : Hospital
2000420 : Cemetery
2000457 : Sports Complex
2000460 : Amusement Park
2000461 : Animal Park
500421 : Lake
507116 : Bay/Harbour
509997 : Glacier
509998 : Beach
509999 : Island
900101 : City
900108 : Military Base
900150 : Park (City/County)
900151 : Allotment
900152 : National Forest
900156 : Built Up Area
900158 : Pedestrian Zone
900159 : Undefined Traffic Area
900160 : Residential Area
900202 : Woodland
908002 : Neighbourhood Boundary
908003 : Cartographic Settlement Boundary
9997007 : Railyard
9997008 : Seaport/Harbour
NAMESThe names of this carto. Cartos can have multiple names, in the same or in multiple languages, transliterations of these names and phonemes. This field contains all of them.
LATLatitude coordinates [10^-5 degree WGS84] along the carto polygon. Comma separated. Clockwise orientation. Each value is relative to the previous.
LONLongitude coordinates [10^-5 degree WGS84] along the carto polygon. Comma separated. Clockwise orientation. Each value is relative to the previous.
INNER_LATLatitude coordinates [10^-5 degree WGS84] of the inner rings of LAT/LON polygon. Coordinates are comma separated. Each value is relative to the previous. Inner rings are semicolon seperated
INNER_LONLongitude coordinates [10^-5 degree WGS84] of the inner rings of LAT/LON polygon. Coordinates are comma separated. Each value is relative to the previous. Inner rings are semicolon seperated