Ungeneralized building footprint polygons.
Polygons are cut at tile boundaries, so that a polygon is decomposed into smaller pieces.
Coordinate values with a leading zero indicate that the line to the next coordinate is artificially introduced by tiling or removal of inner rings.
Level for tile requests: 13
Example tile requests: json txt
BUILDING_IDPermanent building ID.
FACE_IDPermanent face ID. A building can consist of multiple faces. Each polygon is a "face". Hence, one BUILDING_ID can comprise multiple faces.
FEATURE_TYPEFeature type that describes the building type:
2005000 : Business/Commerce Building/Landmark
2005050 : Convention/Exhibition Building/Landmark
2005100 : Cultural Building/Landmark
2005150 : Education Building/Landmark
2005200 : Emergency Service Building/Landmark
2005250 : Government Building/Landmark
2005300 : Historical Building/Landmark
2005350 : Medical Building/Landmark
2005400 : Park/Leisure Building/Landmark
2005450 : Residential Building/Landmark
2005500 : Retail Building/Landmark
2005550 : Sports Building/Landmark
2005600 : Tourist Building/Landmark
2005650 : Transportation Building/Landmark
2005700 : Unclassified Building/Landmark
2005750 : Place of Worship Building/Landmark
2005800 : Industrial Building/Landmark
2005850 : Parking Building/Landmark
2005900 : Miscellaneous Building/Landmark
2005999 : Enhanced Building/Landmark
HEIGHTBuilding height upon ground in meter. 0 if not available.
GROUND_CLEARANCEHeight of open space underneath the building in meter.
CF_IDPermanent ID of corresponding Complex Feature. This is provided, if the building is part of building group (grouped structure).
HAS_3DLMY/N indicates whether this building (the grouped structure this building belongs to) is also available as 3D landmark.
NAMEA name of this building. Buildings can have multiple names, in the same or multiple languages. This field contains any of those.
LATLatitude coordinates [10^-5 degree WGS84] along the footprint polygon. Comma separated. Clockwise orientation. Each value is relative to the previous.
LONLongitude coordinates [10^-5 degree WGS84] along the footprint polygon. Comma separated. Clockwise orientation. Each value is relative to the previous.
INNER_LATLatitude coordinates [10^-5 degree WGS84] of the inner rings of LAT/LON polygon. Coordinates are comma separated. Each value is relative to the previous. Inner rings are semicolon seperated
INNER_LONLongitude coordinates [10^-5 degree WGS84] of the inner rings of LAT/LON polygon. Coordinates are comma separated. Each value is relative to the previous. Inner rings are semicolon seperated