Ungeneralized cartographic polylines.
Polylines are cut at tile boundaries, so that a polyline is decomposed into smaller pieces.
Longitude coordinate values with a leading zero indicate that the line to the next coordinate is artificially introduced by tiling.
These lines must be used to draw filled polygons and to compute 'point in polygon', but must be skipped when drawing border lines.
Level for tile requests: 10
Example tile requests: json txt
CARTO_IDPermanent carto ID.
ADMIN_PLACE_IDPermanent administrative place ID. An administrative place is a government defined entity like a city, region, county, state or country. IDs are permanent across map releases and are never reused.
ADMIN_LEVELAdministrative level 1 - 9.
To look up the country specific name/meaning, applications can load the static table {COUNTRY} and fetch the value from column ADMIN_LEVEL_DESCRIPTION_n.
ADMIN_ORDERAdministrative order.
0 = Country type 1111
1 = Order1 type 1112
2 = Order2 type 1113
8 = Order8 type 1119
9 = Built-up type 3110
FEATURE_TYPEFeature type that describes the carto line type:
900101 : City
900156 : Built Up Area
900170 : County
907196 : Country
909996 : State
SOURCE_TYPEP = Core map carto polygons connected to an admin place.
U = Core map carto polygons that are not explicitly connected to an admin place. Heuristically associated to an admin place.
L = Core map carto border lines turned into polygons.
G = Convex hull polygon heuristically generated from link-admin association in the core map
NAMEA name of this carto polygon. Cartos can have multiple names, in the same or multiple languages. This field contains any of those.
The full set of names is available in the ADMIN_PLACE layer.
LATLatitude coordinates [10^-5 degree WGS84] along the polyline. Comma separated. Each value is relative to the previous.
LONLongitude coordinates [10^-5 degree WGS84] along the polyline. Comma separated. Each value is relative to the previous.
Please refer to the layer description on 'leading zero' encoding of coordinates from tiling.
INNER_LATLatitude coordinates [10^-5 degree WGS84] of the inner rings of LAT/LON polygon. Coordinates are comma separated. Each value is relative to the previous. Inner rings are semicolon seperated
INNER_LONLongitude coordinates [10^-5 degree WGS84] of the inner rings of LAT/LON polygon. Coordinates are comma separated. Each value is relative to the previous. Inner rings are semicolon seperated